Portland is our home, not a sacrifice zone.
Sacrifice zones are areas with excessive pollution and environmental hazards due to nearby toxic industries.
Other characteristics include:
- Communities are exposed to the additive impact of multiple pollutants over extended periods.
- Government regulation is absent or inadequate. Emissions are permitted in unsafe quantities.
- The health and safety of the community's workers and residents, including children, are sacrificed for economic gain.
- Policymakers prioritize economic interests over community well-being.
The tanks in Linnton were put here before we knew the risks.
Now we know.
Communities have rights?
Yes! Check this out video from the Community Environmental Defense Fund:
Oregon Constitution: Article 1 Sec 2
". . . all power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their peace, safety, and happiness . . ."
UN Human Rights Council 2021
The right to a healthy environment is a human right.
What is your vision for this place?

Courtesy of Joan Rothlein
We have community rights.
We can claim them!
Go to ACT to learn what you can do.