This is OUR home.
We shouldn't have to share it with 300 million gallons of fuel that's ready to explode and deadly HAZMATs that can leak.
We drive right by this place.
What's going on here?
I pass by it regularly and cringe – it already looks like a post apocalyptic landscape and a Cascadia Subduction Zone event will make an apocalypse a reality.
Sharon Meieran,
Multnomah County Commissioner

"CEI Hub Seismic Risk Analysis" by Multnomah County and Portland Bureau of Emergency Management
This is the Critical Energy Infrastructure (CEI) Hub--the tank farms
530 fuel tanks – 90% of Oregon's liquid fuel:
- Sitting along 6 miles of St. Helens Road in Linnton, a Portland neighborhood
- Holding 300 million gallons of volatile explosives/flammable liquid in unsafe tanks
- Brought by railroad tank cars and miles of pipelines
- Next to the Willamette River on unstable, in-fill soil
- On a fault-line and subject to the Cascadia Earthquake
- Emitting toxic fumes into our air
- Predicted to collapse, ignite, and explode during an earthquake or other event
- Home to deadly HAZMATs in unsafe tanks

Courtesy of Street Roots, B. Toastie