November 2023: A generous family foundation donation by Jim Abeles and Kat Topaz of Topaz Farm on Sauvie Island will enable Tank the Tanks to bring awareness of our dangerous situation to more people through social media. We'll encourage folks to become engaged in individual and community actions focused on addressing this problem.
June 2023: Oregon Community Rights Network - Wednesday Webinar - Tank the Tanks
Do you hear that ticking noise? That's the sound of 600 massive fossil fuel tanks waiting to explode and forever change the landscape and lives in Portland, Oregon. For decades now Oregon has been storing more than 90% of its fossil fuels needs along the Willamette River on extremely unstable ground, a recipe for a massive disaster when the big Cascadia earthquake hits. The city knows it. The state knows it. The fossil fuel companies know it. Yet despite the fact that even a comparatively smaller earthquake event of 6.8 magnitude during daytime is predicted by Department of Geology and Mineral Industries to injure and/or kill 28,900-36.300 people, there is zero talk of moving the tanks.
Enter four women who refuse to accept the current fate and are calling to "Tank the Tanks". They say conventional approaches have not worked so it's time to stand outside the box to push for transformational change.
The ORCRN presents Portland's SOB Sisters (Stand Outside the Box) as part of its Wednesday Webinar series. "Entering the Blast Zone" features the "Tank the Tanks" campaign. It's an evening of personal stories, community stories, and the fate of people and places if more and more of us don't stand up for change in new ways.
June 2023: KBOO Interview - Tank the Tanks
Two of our principals who live in Linnton, Nancy Hiser and Shawn Looney, were interviewed by radio host Barbara Bernstein on Locus Focus. We talked about our path to get industry and government to take action to make the CEI Hub safer and our billboard campaign to make more people aware of the safety and health threats and demand that action be taken. Tank the Tanks KBOO Interview

To reach us with media requests or questions:
Tank the Tanks began in the summer of 2022 on the lawn of Cathedral Park where four local women gathered to brainstorm how best to keep their community safe from the dangers of the tank farms (CEI Hub) nearby.
Together, they nurtured a safer vision of their neighborhoods, free of the dangers of living near 300 million gallons of fuel in 600 fuel storage tanks. Scientific reports sustained them and activists inspired them.
They decided that Community Rights are crucial--corporate power is out of control and a lack of government concern is only adding to the problems.
A Stand Up To Oil (SUTO) grant funded their first campaign: billboards along Hwy 30/St Helens Road.
Tank the Tanks was launched on May 1, 2023. (May Day or "Mayday" became an international communication distress call because it sounded like the French "m'aidez" or "help me." )